Episode 14 : How hormones are affecting women and what men can do to offer support with Helen Tite


October 31st, 2023

1 hr 2 mins 55 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Helen Tite is an award-winning proven motivational leader in the fitness sector with a national and international profile and the entrepreneurial acumen to deliver difference- making results across the broadest client base in many sectors. She is enthusiastic, ebullient and with an indefatigable work ethic that combines with excellent communication skills to build effective relationships.

Topics we discuss:

  • Not fitting in
  • Post Natal Depression
  • How exercise changed her life
  • Life being a constant pivot
  • The importance of disconnecting
  • Women are trying to do it all
  • How men can support women
  • Imposter Syndrome

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Connect with Helen

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-tite-icareimove/

Website: https://icareimove.com/

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