Episode 17: Being a woman in HR, how leadership isn't able to cope with emotions and listening to your gut with Emma Djemil


November 21st, 2023

58 mins 12 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Founder of The HR Club - a membership of over 100 women strong - and creator of The HR Big Meet - an annual conference focusing on the wellbeing of women in HR - Emma Djemil is on a mission to change the world of work so that everyone can thrive.

Passionately believing that no one should go home from work worse than when they arrived, Emma uses her natural abilities to help people do the things they think are impossible, in an attempt to shift the leadership paradigm for the good of us all.

Slightly sweary and leaning towards the sarcastic, Emma combines her experiences across an 18 year career in HR with a Certificate in Applied Neuroscience, certification as a One of many ® women’s coach and accreditation as a Brain and Behaviour Change Practitioner to help women in leadership be sustainably unstoppable. In practice this means having their maximum impact without compromising themselves, their health or the things and people that matter the most to them.

Topics we discuss:

  • Being a woman in HR
  • Leaving her job without a plan
  • Creating safe spaces
  • Value of HR
  • Getting out of 'fight mode'
  • How to avoid burnout
  • Understanding personal values
  • Listening to your intuition

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Connect with Emma

Website: https://beunstoppable.uk/

HR Club: https://thehrclub.beunstoppable.uk/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/be-unstoppable/