Episode 5 : Stepping into your own space in a male dominated world and how to consciously create space in a world that is busier than ever. With Helen Bailey


August 29th, 2023

23 mins 27 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

On this episode, we are in conversation with Helen Bailey.

Helen Bailey has been working in research and hospitality for over 30 years.
Helen launched Aviatrix as a way to elevate the way companies connect with their customers. Her extensive experience in hospitality, travel & leisure started in the restaurant business, having owned and operated five successful restaurants.
Helen is also an experienced leadership coach and facilitator for SME leaders. Her biggest achievement is staying married for 32 years and working with her husband Nick and being Mum to three amazing humans.

Topics we discuss:

  • Having greater diversity especially in the hsopitality industry
  • Stepping into your own space in a male dominated wold
  • How we are busier than ever, post covid
  • Overwhelm
  • Creating your own pause button

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Connect with Helen

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-bailey/

Email : [email protected]